The Integrative Recovery Team in the Asheville Community Program meets twice weekly to collaborate, communicate, and ensure excellence in whole-person care and engage a caring team that includes a Psychiatrist, Licensed Therapists, Team Therapists, and Recovery Coaches who promote lasting mental health recovery through their collective person-centered efforts. The Team Therapists work closely with reach residents and with their family or chosen family to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the person’s “Dream Statement,” short-term goals, and therapeutic support preferences. The Recovery Coaches support residents in day-to-day activities, encouraging each person to feel confident in engaging with the greater Asheville community through employment, volunteering, or education, and in developing friendships and dating, so they can create their enriching community beyond CooperRiis.

Sonya Montgomery
Sonya Montgomery, FNP-BC, PMHCS-BC
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Audrey Morris
Audrey Morris, M.Ed., LCMHC, QS, LSASA
Clinical Director
Tom Wilder, LCMHC
Integrative Therapist
Tyler Mudd
Tyler Mudd, MRC, LCMHCA, CRC
Vocational Counselor
Desiree Frielingsdorf
Desiree Frielingsdorf, MSW, LCSW
Integrative Therapist
Brendan Mitchell, MA, LCMHCA
Integrative Therapist
Claudia Segal
Claudia Segal, BA
Recovery Coach
Rachel Dinunzio
Rachel Dinunzio, BA
Recovery Coach