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If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or another psychotic spectrum disorder, we want you to know: 

There is hope. 

Our holistic, recovery-focused approach to residential treatment has helped people with schizophrenia, and related conditions achieve greater independence, maintain stronger interpersonal connections, gain more stability, and lead personally-fulfilling lives.

We can help you or your loved one, too.

Recovery is Possible

We treat adults aged 18+ with schizophrenia.

Our Approach to Healing Schizophrenia

A Focus on Wellness & Possibility

People with schizophrenia deserve to be defined by their principles and strengths. Not their illness. They deserve to live lives centered around their dreams and values. Not their symptoms. 

Our residential treatment centers for schizophrenia are so much more than inpatient facilities.  

The Farm (our long-term residential treatment campus) and CooperRiis at Asheville (our short-term residential treatment campus) are Healing Communities where residents receive the care they need to achieve their highest possible mental wellness and fulfillment levels.

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. Its causes vary among individuals; its symptoms can include paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, disorganized and dysregulated thinking, difficulties with interpersonal interactions, and more.

Schizophrenia affects about one percent of the population, appearing equally in both men and women, though symptoms tend to begin earlier in men. The disorder is present in all ethnic groups. Rarely have children under the age of 16 been diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The phases of schizophrenia are prodromal, active, and residual. At CooperRiis, we add the ‘recovery phase’ because rehabilitation for individuals with schizophrenia is possible.

Prodromal Phase

People with schizophrenia are often misdiagnosed in the prodromal phase because of the vast array of symptoms that can be present and their subtlety. Symptoms in the prodromal phase include:

  • Withdrawal from family and social life
  • A preference for being alone
  • Confusion
  • Outbursts of anger
  • Depression
  • Loss of interest in everyday activities and apathy
  • Anxiety
  • Odd behavior
Active Phase

Over time, symptoms of schizophrenia become evident to family and friends. During the active phase of schizophrenia, symptoms include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoid delusions
  • Disorganized speech
  • Disorganized behavior
  • Confusing thought patterns
  • Trouble concentrating
Residual Phase

Symptoms in the residual phase of schizophrenia resemble those in the prodromal stage. While the most alarming active stage patterns have mostly subsided, low energy, listlessness, and withdrawal can still be present during this phase.

Recovery Phase

With treatment, most people who have schizophrenia will improve with time. Many of our residents come to us in the active or residual phases of schizophrenia, but no matter where they are, our goal is always the same:

To help residents move into the recovery phase by achieving the highest levels of functioning and fulfillment possible.

Currently, schizophrenia does not have a cure. However, with holistic, recovery-focused therapy and strong support networks, residents can learn how to manage their condition so they can live full, gratifying lives.

Yes, it is possible for someone with schizophrenia to live independently. Treatment focused on long-term symptom regulation and whole-person wellness can enable individuals with this condition to maintain stable employment, manage multifaceted lives, maintain relationships with others, and take care of their health.

Dream Statements

We begin every resident’s recovery by helping them craft a Dream Statement. Dream Statements express life aspirations. They guide residents’ development of core goals (attainable in 3 months) and achievable goals (attainable in 1-2 weeks), enabling them to map clear paths towards personally fulfilling lives.

Finding Hope and Setting Realistic Goals

Some individuals with schizophrenia may have difficulty articulating aspirations because they've lost hope. Others may find it challenging because their symptoms make it hard to stay tethered to reality. Still, others might struggle to set individual goals because they’re experiencing cognitive disorganization or emotional dysregulation.

No matter what challenges they face, our expert staff provides residents with the dedicated, personalized support they need to overcome obstacles and take ownership of their recovery.

Resident-Centered, Relationship-Driven Care

By taking the time to get to know residents, listen to their experiences, and gain their trust, our staff members cultivate positive, nurturing relationships with residents that support them through every stage of recovery.

Education and Empowerment 

In many settings, individuals with schizophrenia are not consulted on the treatments they receive. This is due to the mistaken assumption that symptoms associated with this illness — such as paranoia or visual/ auditory hallucinations — render people incapable of making choices for themselves.  At CooperRiis, we don’t subscribe to this belief. We know that treatment for schizophrenia is most effective when it’s a partnership between care-givers and care-receivers. That's why we provide residents with an in-depth education about the approaches we recommend, empowering them to make informed decisions about their treatments in collaboration with our expert staff.

Collaboration and Self-Discovery

We give residents the dignity to make mistakes and the grace to get things wrong. Doing so is an important part of growth for all people, especially those with schizophrenia.  Supported by our caring team of professionals, residents have a safe place to discover what does and doesn't work for them at CooperRiis. This process of self-discovery is empirically proven to result in treatment that's more effective and sustainable than that delivered coercively.

Integrated, Whole-Person Treatment

Research shows that individuals with schizophrenia respond best to multimodal recovery plans.1 That’s why, rather than rely exclusively on medications or therapy, we combine a variety of evidence-based treatments to address all of the following seven domains of health for our residents:

The Seven Domains of Recovery

The seven domains recovery model infographic

Treatment Plans That Meet Residents Where They Are

Every CooperRiis resident receives personalized care that delivers the targeted support they need to make sustainable progress. While this means every individual’s recovery plan is unique, the following types of treatments are especially beneficial for our residents with schizophrenia:
  • Skills Training
  • Social Skills Training
  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication
  • Physical Health
  • Community
  • Family Education
  • Housing That Feels Like Home

Skills Training

Cognitive disorganization, emotional dysregulation, hallucinations, and other symptoms can make it difficult for individuals with schizophrenia to fulfill their basic needs. That's why we offer the training residents need to overcome these obstacles and make progress towards greater independence. Through work crews, classes, skills groups, and 1-on-1 lessons, we help individuals with schizophrenia learn or relearn daily living, executive functioning, and career-related skills.
Social Skills Training
For many with schizophrenia, relating to others can be a challenge. There are a variety of reasons for this, and that's why we offer completely personalized social skills training to all residents who could benefit from it. From reading facial and body language cues to resolving conflicts, our social skills curricula provide residents with the support they need to successfully navigate interactions and relationships.
Our accredited, experienced psychotherapists offer a variety of therapeutic modalities in both individual and group settings so residents can select the treatments most comfortable for them. We find that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), in particular, is a highly effective component in schizophrenia recovery plans. Individuals with a second diagnosis, such as alcohol abuse, can attend our dual diagnosis groups for care specific to their needs.

Medication Management

Like everything at CooperRiis, decisions about medication are collaborative: Our integrative psychiatrists work with residents to develop approaches to medication that align with their specific needs, goals, and preferences. We strive to prescribe the lowest dose that will support the highest quality of life for each resident, and we maintain regular communications with them so necessary medication adjustments can be made in real time.
Physical Health
A strong foundation of physical wellness improves the efficacy of all treatments, especially medications. Our team supports residents with schizophrenia in adopting positive movement practices, following well-rounded, healthful nutrition plans, and taking carefully selected supplements. This not only improves residents' moods and cognitive functions, but it also can reduce medication side-effects and promote emotional resilience.
Supportive, compassionate, and affirming, the healing community at CooperRiis gives residents with schizophrenia a sense of belonging and security that tethers them to reality and promotes their self-worth. Residents engage with their community through activities, group therapy, work crews, and other outlets. The variety of structured social opportunities reinforces the skills they learn with us while helping them grow their support network.
Family Education
Familial support reduces the rate of re-hospitalization for those with mental illnesses, according to a recent study.2 This is why residents' families are important and valued parts of their treatment teams at CooperRiis. We not only keep family members updated on their loved one's progress with us, but we also provide them with an in-depth education on how they can become the support system individuals with schizophrenia need for successful reintegration into society.

Housing That Feels Like Home

CooperRiis residential recovery centers are so much more than inpatient treatment facilities. They’re healing retreats that feel like home. Housing for residents with schizophrenia features private bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms and plenty of natural light, immediate access to walking trails, and on-campus art and craft studios. By offering residents abundant opportunities for self expression, learning new skills, and connecting with the natural world, the environment at CooperRiis itself is therapeutic.

Our Recovery Model Works

Data collected over 10 years show that the residential treatment program for schizophrenia at CooperRiis works. Individuals who benefit from our holistic, recovery-focused model of care make demonstrable progress in multiple domains of health.

After participating in our program, people with schizophrenia:

  • Are able to function more independently.
  • Experience long-term improvements in emotional wellbeing.
  • Gain stable senses of hope and purpose.

An extensive body of research and clinical experience affirms these findings: Combining psychotherapy with a strong, supportive community, structured daily routines, physical wellness programs, and an integrative approach to medication can dramatically improve the lives of those with schizophrenia.

2019 Alumni Survey Results

1 %

are engaged in either competitive employment, volunteering, or going to school.

1 %
are living independently with roommates or on their own.
1 %
report they have had no psychiatric hospitalizations.

Research Citations

We can help.

Contact us to get started with our healing community.

What to Expect 

We are waiting to assist you and answer your questions now. 

Call to speak with one of our friendly admissions team members. We will help you determine which program would be best for you or your loved one, and gather information about the potential resident. 

Or, email us any time at: