As I write, I’m imagining you in a dark space. You began college with hopes and dreams for the future, with an understanding about what you were going to study and you were going to accomplish as you moved into adulthood. Amidst the stress of your freshman year in college you became manic and couldn’t sleep and eventually landed locked in the hospital. This distressing experience shocked you, the treatment you received traumatized you, and you tried to shake it off.
You pushed through into the sophomore year, still confused about how you had become overwhelmed. You noticed that some of your friends were avoiding you. You began to withdraw, while trying to keep up with the demands of your classes. You missed completion of one assignment after another and began to drop into the depths of depression. Some days you just couldn’t get out of bed and stayed in your dorm room. You sink further and further and even contemplated suicide. Fortunately, your roommate went to the college mental health counselors who called your family and you found yourself in the hospital again.
This time, you heard from your college that you have been placed on medical leave and could not return to campus. In a complete state of confusion, sadness, and uncertainty about your future, you ended up back home. Embarrassed, you spend most of your nights awake playing video games in the basement and you slip into bed in the morning, sleeping the day away as your family goes on with their life but now carrying concern about How to help you.
At this moment you are at a dangerous crossroads. You could eddy out on the side of life, get stuck and remain in a dark space for years. You’re worrying that you’re going to completely lose the life that you had hoped you would lead.
There is a place for you called the CooperRiis Healing Community. It’s like a residential recovery college. It’s designed for individuals like you who need some additional support to get back into the flow of life (and even back into college), into the place and space where you can again have dreams and hopes and move forward with a connected, productive and happy life.
We urge you and your family to call our admissions department at 828-771-9001, where you can learn more. You need not live in the darkness. CooperRiis can help you move through the fears and anxiety and regain your confidence.
We wish that college mental health counselors, that educational and therapeutic consultants, and that families could all know of the unique services provided by CooperRiis. There are many Johnny’s and Samantha’s in our world today. Our mission is to serve them and help them achieve and sustain their most functional and fulfilled lives.
Please call us today.